
Osho Books in Chronological Order

Osho Books in Chronological Order

Apart from the Early Booklets, none of these books were written – they are transcribed from spontaneous talks Osho gave.

Early Booklets
(compiled from writings, interviews & letters)

  • A Cup of Tea
  • What is Meditation?
  • The Perfect Way (Mt Abu camp)
  • Philosophy of Non-Violence
  • Path to Self-Realisation (Motilal)
  • The Earthen Lamps (Motilal)
  • Revolution in Education
  • The Eternal Quest
  • Who Am I? (Motilal)
  • The Inner Journey
  • The Beginning of the Beginning
  • The Long, The Short and the All
  • Where Are the Ghandians?
  • Seeds of Revolution (letters: JJK)
  • Seeds of Revolutionary Thought (Motilal)
  • Towards the Unknown (JJK)
  • Wings of Love & Random Thoughts (Motilal)
  • Meet Mulla Nasruddin
  • Beware of Socialism
  • Meditation – A New Dimension
  • The Gateless Gate
  • The Perennial Path: The Art of Living
  • The Great Challenge
  • LSD: Shortcut to False Samadhi (JJK)
  • Letters Written to Enquiring Minds
  • The Vital Balance
  • Wisdom of Folly
  • Turning In (JJK)
  • Secrets of Discipleship (JJK)
  • Lead Kindly Light
  • The Eternal Message
  • Beyond & Beyond (JJK)
  • Pointing the Way (Motilal)
  • The Inward Revolution (JJK)
  • The Silent Explosion
  • Two Hundred Two (JJK)
  • Flowers of Love (Rajneesh Foundation)
  • Early books compiled from recorded talks
  • From Sex to Superconsciousness
  • Dimensions Beyond the Known
  • Hidden Mysteries
  • The Psychology of the Esoteric
  • I Am the Gate
  • That Art Thou (The Upanishads)
  • The Ultimate Alchemy (2 vols) (Atma Pooja Upanishad)
  • Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (2 vols) (Shiva’s 112 meditations)
  • The New Alchemy (Meditation)
  • The Supreme Doctrine (Talks on Kenopanishad)
  • Yoga the Alpha & the Omega (10 vols) (Patanjali)
  • Vedanta, Seven Steps to Samadhi (Akshya Upanishad)


Pune One

  • My Way, The Way of the White Clouds (Answers to Questions)
  • Roots & Wings / A Bird on a Wing (Zen)
  • The Empty Boat (Tao – Chuang Tzu)
  • No Water, No Moon (Zen)
  • The Mustard Seed / Seeds of Revolution (Jesus)
  • When the Shoe Fits (Tao – Chuang Tzu)
  • Hsin Hsin Ming, The Book of Nothing (Zen – Sosan)
  • And the Flowers Showered (Zen)
  • Returning to the Source (Zen)
  • The Hidden Harmony (Heraclitus)
  • Tantra the Supreme Understanding (Tilopa)
  • The Grass Grows by Itself (Zen)
  • Until You Die (Sufis)
  • Just Like That (Sufi Mystics)
  • Tao the Three Treasures (4 vols) (Lao Tzu)
  • The True Sage (Hassidic Mystics)
  • Come Follow Me (4 vols) (Jesus)
  • Nirvana the Last Nightmare (Zen)
  • Ancient Music in the Pines (Zen)
  • The Search (Zen – The Ten Bulls)
  • Dang Dang Doko Dang (Zen)
  • The Beloved (2 vols) (Baul Mystics)
  • A Sudden Clash of Thunder (Zen)
  • The Discipline of Transcendence (4 vols) (Buddha)
  • The Art of Dying (Hassidic Mystics)
  • Ecstasy the Forgotten Language (Kabir)
  • The Path of Love (Kabir)
  • The Divine Melody (Kabir)
  • Tao the Pathless Path (2 vols) (Lieh Tzu)
  • The First Principle (Zen)
  • The Tantra Vision, (2 vols) (Saraha)
  • Zen, the Path of Paradox (3 vols)
  • Sufis the People of the Path (2 vols)
  • The Heart Sutra (Buddha)
  • I Say Unto You vol (2 vols) (Jesus)
  • This Very Body the Buddha (Hakuin)
  • The Diamond Sutra (Buddha)
  • Walk Without Feet, Fly Without Wings (Answers to Questions)
  • The Revolution (Kabir)
  • The Wisdom of the Sands (2 vols) (Sufis)
  • Take it Easy (2 vols) (Zen – Ikkyu)
  • The Sun Rises in the Evening (Zen)
  • The Perfect Master vol 1 (2 vols) (Sufis)
  • The Secret of Secrets vol (2 vols) (Tao, The Golden Flower)
  • The Secret (Sufis)
  • Unio Mystica vol (2 vols) (Sufis – Hakim Sanai)
  • Philosophia Perennis (2 vols) (Pythagoras)
  • The Book of Wisdom (2 vols) (Atisha)
  • The Fish in the Sea is not Thirsty Kabir)
  • The Guest (Kabir)
  • The Dhammapada (12 vols) (Buddha)
  • Be Still and Know (Answers to Questions)
  • The White Lotus (Zen – Bodhidharma)
  • Ah This! (Zen)
  • Walking in Zen, Sitting in Zen
  • Tao the Golden Gate (2 vols) (Tao – Ko Hsuan)
  • Zen the Special Transmission
  • Theologia Mystica (St Dionysius)
  • Guide Spirituale (The Desiderata)
  • I Am That (Isa Upanishad)
  • Come, Come, Yet Again Come (Answers to Questions)
  • Philosophia Ultima (Mandukya Upanishad)
  • Zen: Zest , Zip, Zap & Zing (Answers to Questions)
  • The Wild Geese and the Water (Answers to Questions)
  • The Goose is Out (Answers to Questions)


Pune Darshan Diaries

  • The 99 Names of Nothingness
  • A Rose is a Rose
  • Above All, Don’t Wobble
  • At the Feet of the Master
  • Be Realistic: Plan for a Miracle
  • Being Osho
  • Believing the Impossible Before Breakfast
  • Beloved of My Heart
  • Blessed Are the Ignorant
  • The Buddha Disease
  • Contemplation Before Sleep
  • The Cypress in the Courtyard
  • Dance til the Stars Come Down from the Rafters
  • Dance Your Way to God
  • Don’t Bite My Finger, Look Where I’m Pointing
  • Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There
  • Don’t Let Yourself Be Upset by the Sutra, Rather Upset the Sutra Yourself
  • Don’t Look Before You Leap
  • Eighty Four Thousand Poems
  • Even Bein’ Gawd Ain’t a Bed of Roses
  • Far Beyond the Stars
  • Fingers Pointing to the Moon
  • For Madmen Only
  • The Further Shore
  • Get Out of Your Own Way!
  • God Is Not for Sale
  • God’s Got a Thing about You
  • Going All the Way
  • The Golden Wind
  • The Great Nothing
  • Hallelujah!
  • Hammer on the Rock
  • I Am Not As Thunk As You Drink I Am
  • If You Choose to Be with Me, You Must Risk Finding Yourself
  • The Imprisoned Splendor
  • Is the Grass Really Greener…?
  • Just Around the Corner
  • Just the Tip of the Iceberg
  • Let Go!
  • The Madman’s Guide to Enlightenment
  • The Miracle
  • Morning Contemplation
  • A Must for Contemplation Before Sleep
  • A Must for Morning Contemplation
  • The Ninety-Nine Names of Nothingness
  • Nirvana Now or Never
  • The No Book
  • No Man Is an Island
  • Nothing to Lose but Your Head
  • The Old Pond … Plop
  • Only Losers Can Win in This Game
  • The Open Door
  • The Open Secret
  • The Passion for the Impossible
  • The Rainbow Bridge
  • A Rose Is a Rose Is a Rose
  • The Sacred Yes
  • Scriptures in Silence and Sermons in Stones
  • The Shadow of the Bamboo
  • The Shadow of the Whip
  • Snap Your Fingers, Slap Your Face and Wake Up!
  • The Sound of One Hand Clapping
  • The Sun Behind the Sun Behind the Sun
  • This Is It
  • The Tongue-Tip Taste of Tao
  • Turn On, Tune In and Drop the Lot
  • What Is, Is, What Ain’t, Ain’t
  • Won’t You Join the Dance?
  • You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet
  • The Zero Experience
  • Zorba the Buddha



  • From Unconsciousness to Consciousness
    (Answers to Questions)
  • From Ignorance to Innocence (Answers to Questions)
  • From Personality to Individuality (Answers to Questions)
  • From Misery to Enlightenment (Answers to Questions)
  • From Darkness to Light (Answers to Questions)
  • From the False to the Truth (Answers to Questions)
  • The Last Testament (5 vols) (Answers to questions from the press)
  • From Death to Deathlessness (Answers to Questions)
  • From Bondage to Freedom (Answers to Questions)



  • Light on the Path (Answers to Questions)
  • The Sword & the Lotus (Answers to Questions)



  • Socrates Poisoned Again (Answers to Questions)



  • Beyond Psychology (Answers to Questions)
  • The Path of the Mystic (Answers to Questions)
  • Transmission of the Lamp (Answers to Questions)



  • The Osho Upanishad (Answers to Questions)
  • Beyond Enlightenment (Answers to Questions)
  • Sermons in Stones (Answers to Questions)


Pune Two

  • The Messiah (2 vols) (Kahlil Gibran)
  • The Rebellious Spirit (Answers to Questions)
  • The Razor’s Edge (Answers to Questions)
  • The Hidden Splendor (Answers to Questions)
  • Zarathustra, a God that can Dance (Nietzsche)
  • Zarathustra, the Laughing Prophet (Nietzsche)
  • The Golden Future (Answers to Questions)
  • The Rebel (Answers to Questions)
  • The New Dawn (Answers to Questions)
  • Bodhidharma: The Greatest Zen Master
  • The Great Zen Master Ta Hui
  • The Invitation (Answers to Questions)
  • The Great Pilgrimage, From Here to Here (Answers to Questions)
  • Satyam Shivam Sundaram (Answers to Questions)
  • Sat Chit Anand (Answers to Questions)
  • Om Mani Padme Hum (Answers to Questions)
  • Hari Om Tat Sat (Answers to Questions)
  • Om Shantih Shantih Shantih (Answers to Questions)
  • Yaa-Hoo The Mystic Rose (Answers to Questions)
  • Live Zen
  • This This, A Thousand Times This (Zen)
  • Zen: The Quantam Leap From Mind to No-Mind
  • Zen: The Solitary Bird
  • Zen: the Diamond Thunderbolt
  • Dogen (Zen)
  • The Miracle (Zen)
  • Turning In (Zen)
  • The Original Man (Zen)
  • The Language of Existence (Zen)
  • The Buddha: The Emptiness of the Heart (Zen)
  • Ma Tzu: The Empty Mirror
  • Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen
  • Nansen: The Point of Departure
  • Joshu, The Lion’s Roar
  • Rinzai: Master of the Irrational
  • Isan: No Footprints in the Blue Sky
  • Kyozan: A True Man of Zen
  • No Mind:The Flowers of Eternity (Zen)
  • Zen: The Mystery and the Poetry of the Beyond
  • One Seed Makes the Whole Earth Green (Zen)
  • Yakusan: Straight to the Point of Enlightenment
  • Christianity and Zen
  • Communism & Zen Fire, Zen Wind
  • God is Dead, Now Zen is the Only Truth
  • I Celebrate Myself (Zen)
  • The Zen Manifesto: Freedom From Oneself


Hindi Titles
For a complete list of Osho’s hindi titles, see here

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