From Pune to the US

___The success of the Ashram also contributes to its demise. It is located in Koregaon Park, a quiet, leafy suburb of Pune inhabited mostly by wealthy, conservative Brahmins and Parsees. The streets begin to fill with orange-clothed young people, walking between their homes and the Ashram, laughing, singing and (gasp) hugging and kissing. The locals are outraged, and use their considerable influence to stir up the media and the local authorities against the Ashram.

At the same time, the Ashram is running out of space. As more and more people arrive, it rents and buys every available property in the area, but it is still overflowing. A search is started for a much larger estate in another part of India, but without success.

Around this time, Osho develops a degenerative back condition, a result of years of travelling around India by train. On the recommendation of his personal doctors, he travels to the US for possible back surgery.

The same year, his American disciples purchase a 64,000-acre ranch in Oregon and invite him to visit. He eventually agrees to stay in the US and allows an application for permanent residence to be filed on the basis of being a religious teacher.

The US government refuses to accept that Osho is a religious teacher and rejects his application. Instead they initiate one of the most intensive investigations ever conducted against one man. Almost every government department is involved – Internal Revenue Service, Immigration, Criminal Investigation (the Attorney General), Customs and Excise, and Health, Education and Welfare.

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