Tantric Book of Secrets
Five to ten thousand years ago, Shiva gave a series of 112 tantric meditation techniques to his beloved consort Devi. Osho practised all of those techniques as a youth, and later commented on the ancient book in a series of talks called The Book of the Secrets. Those commentaries are now published as Vigyan Bhairav Tantra.
Osho says these 112 methods of meditation are exhaustive. ‘Everything that different types of people will need is included in them. Different strategies were needed because you don’t have the same minds, but the key in all these methods is witnessing – in different forms, in different strategies – but the innermost core is witnessing, awareness, watchfulness. This is the essential method, which no meditation can afford to drop. These techniques are different applications of witnessing. They are techniques of discovery. ‘
Several of those techniques are available, with music, from www.meditantra.com.

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