
College student

College student Osho went to two university colleges. He was asked to leave the first when his logics professor complained to the Vice-Chancellor that he could not teach because Osho would not stop asking questions. Admonished by the professor not to argue, Osho pointed out that this would defeat the whole purpose of being in a class on philosophy and logic. Exasperated, the professor, an old and respected man, gave the ultimatum that ‘either he leaves or I leave’. The…


India travels – early talks

India travels – early talks Soon after his appointment as Professor, Osho begins to travel around India, being invited to address religious conferences, speak on the radio, and address gatherings which eventually drew up to 50,000 people. He was ‘seized with a mission of awakening sensitive people from what he believed to be a sleep-walking intellectual materialism’, wrote Ronald Conway (The Weekend Australian, February 14-15, 1981). The New Delhi Patriot, in a review of Osho’s life published in 1981, preferred…


Controversial Professor

Controversial Professor For example, rather than simply teaching the set syllabus, Osho prefers to give his students a fully rounded picture. ‘I was teaching students everything that the university prescribed and also showing them how much was bogus. I was teaching Aristotle, and at the same time I was teaching them that Aristotle was not right. My period was divided into two sections: first, I will teach them what Aristotle means, and then I will say that he is wrong.…



Jagadguru ‘[Osho] represents the kind of danger to society which has no parallel in the history of this country.’ Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swarupanand, one of the heads of the Hindu religion, India, 1987.…