
There is no ‘God’


There is no ‘God’

The idea of creation came into existence because philosophers could not conceive how existence could be possible without a creator. But they completely forgot the question: Who created God? That leads to infinite regress: whatever the answer, the question will still remain valid.

The saner standpoint should be that existence is self-creative, orgasmic energy. It doesn’t need an outside creator. God is without existence, creativity is within existence. Therefore I say that Frederick Nietzsche’s statement, that god is dead, is only half truth: God cannot die because he has never been born.

The implications of saying that there is no God are immense. It takes away the hell and the heaven, the whole idea of sin and virtue. It really makes man absolutely free to decide about himself according to his own awareness, what he wants to be. It gives a new meaning to the words ‘sin’ and ‘virtue’ – the word sin takes its original root meaning, which is forgetfulness. The only sin is to be unaware, unconscious, and to live a life of forgetfulness. And virtue is just the opposite – a life centered in awareness, watchfulness, witnessing. This gives a totally different dimension to morality.

I would like to introduce a new word, and that is ‘godliness’. There is no God, but there is every possibility for every living being to evolve into an ultimate quality of godliness. To me that is the ultimate realization.

Almost all the races of the world have conceived God. It is simply a psychological problem, it has nothing to do with religion, nothing to do with philosophy. It is simply incomprehensible for people, it is inconceivable how this immense universe is running without any controller, how it has come into existence without any creator. So they invented ‘God’ as a consolation.

The problem is just because the capacity of the mind is very limited. Only no-mind can conceive the beginning-less, the endless; the incomprehensible becomes absolutely clear. Those who have risen beyond mind have also risen beyond God simultaneously. God is a need for the mind, because the mind cannot conceive infinite, eternal things.

A religious person is not interested in God; he is more interested in the very source of his being – ‘Who am I?’ That is the MOST fundamental religious question – not God, not heaven, not hell, but ‘Who am I?’

And if you can find the truth of your own being you will have found all the truth that is necessary to know and is worth knowing. You will have found God and you will have found nirvana and you will have found all that the seers, the rishis, the Buddhas, the prophets, down the ages, have been telling you to inquire into.

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